Fight! We must fight - in prayer. The enemy wants nothing more than to paralyze us with fear when it comes to expecting to bear fruit from our wombs. But, our Redeemer says FIGHT! When Jesus died on the cross for us, He bore our sins and redeemed our future in Him. This includes the future children that will be birthed by us. I remember sitting in the hospital room holding the still body of my daughter born that day with no heartbeat. Slyly the enemy whispered, “your womb will never bear fruit.” Years prior, I endured an ectopic pregnancy and for a moment, I believed his lie. But God reminded me that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus! God began to minister to me through the words of Romans 8, which begins with His reminder that echoed in my spirit to combat the lie

About 2 months after my daughter’s death, I had a very vivid dream in which I was running in a marathon. In the race, I had kept a steady pace, and the finish line was finally in view. As I approached the finish line, I tripped and fell to the ground tumbling in pain without the ability to immediately recover. Lying on the ground, unable to move, runners who I had previously passed began to race past me crossing the finish line without incident. I cried out in pain and frustration, then a still small voice began to whisper, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” I awoke from that dream in tears. I knew exactly what it meant: though I didn’t cross the finish line

I remember going to a worship service a few weeks after Phebe’s death and being upset when they sang the words, “O death, where is your sting…” On the inside I yelled, “Death stings! It hurts!” and simultaneously, I determined that those words were a lie. I began to cry, and I told the Lord, “It hurts because I never had the chance to get to know her!” Then, a gentle voice whispered, “You know Me.” More tears began to fall from my eyes then I focused on the next line of the song, “Cause I'll be there singing/ Holy Holy Holy/Is the Lord…” Then I saw a vision of my sweet girl, dressed in white worshipping the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings with everything within her. She was singing "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord!” I realized then, that in worship I am close to her and through

For the longest time, I couldn’t fully understand what it meant to be a child of God. I would sing the songs and read the scriptures, but I didn’t feel like I were truly his. I felt orphaned. So when things would go awry, I would retreat into my loneliness hoping the darkness of depression would somehow bring me comfort. It never did. The lightbulb went off one evening when a mentor of mine challenged me to read Psalm 139 everyday. She told me I needed to soak in God’s love and admiration for me deeply and then I would begin to truly understand my role as his daughter. The first night I read through the chapter, verses 11 and 12 hit me like a ton of bricks. It says, “I could ask the darkness to hide me    and the light around me to become night— but even in darkness I cannot

**Written during my pregnancy with Sophia** My OBGYN’s office is a teaching practice, which means there are always quite a few medical students around. The students usually take my vitals and ask initial questions before my doctor enters the room. With that said, every month I am asked the same questions about my pregnancy history. They ask, “how many pregnancies have you had and how many live children?” I’m currently pregnant with my fourth child who will be my second living child, so understandably this question stings. When I answered it recently, my mind began to wander to that negative space for a moment - that “why” space where many of my questions about losing my children in pregnancy are still unanswered. But immediately, I took that thought captive and thought about those things that are lovely - my now 16-month-old son and the fact that I’ll be holding another beautiful

Each baby knit delicately together in our wombs is a miracle. It’s amazing to really think about the process of creation. A tiny, almost microscopic embryo becomes a unique person with tons of personality as they grow up! 2 ½ - 3 Months after I had my daughter, Phebe, by c-section, we became pregnant with our son. Both we and the doctors were amazed because they thought it would take at least 6 months to get pregnant again. I was also told that I would have to have surgery at that 6 month mark to remove a large fibroid I had that had been monitored while I was pregnant with Phebe. However, during the last few weeks of my pregnancy with my daughter, the fibroid had shrunk and when I had my first ultrasound with my son, David, the fibroid was gone! That was the first miracle I experienced with

**Written while pregnant with Sophia** Early on in my current pregnancy, I experienced some alarming spotting. For about 4 weeks, it would happen on and off and each time it occurred, my heart would sink into my stomach. Once during this period of time, I had a horrible dream that I experienced a miscarriage and I remember waking up yelling out loud, “my child will not die, but will live to tell what the Lord has done!” I discovered that verse during my Bible study the same day God prompted me to pray for our Victory4Life ministry during staff prayer at my church/workplace. I remember being so scared to pray for this ministry because I had just returned to work after my maternity leave with my daughter. Victory4Life is a ministry that serves women considering abortion to teach them about alternate options with hopes that they’ll discover Jesus and choose life for

I remember the first time I experienced morning sickness. I spent all day slow cooking dinner feeling totally fine, and with the first bite of my long-awaited meal, it hit! I immediately ran to the restroom, and you can imagine the rest… As I laid on that bathroom floor, I cried out to Jesus reminding Him that He took away the side effects of bearing children on the cross too! I declared that that would be my last time battling morning sickness, and guess what, it was! Then, later on in that same pregnancy, something else hit: sciatic nerve pain. It hit around the 7-month mark in my left hip and felt like someone was jabbing me with a sharp knife with every step I would take. I would pray and pray, but the pain remained. I even took matters into my own hands by going to the chiropractor, but nothing

**Written while pregnant with Sophia** I just finished listening to a rendition of “To Worship You I Live” by Israel Houghton and New Breed and with each measure as the song progressed, floods of tears would well up and fall from my eyes. It’s such a simple song centered around the same words within the title, but the meaning is so much deeper. It is my purpose. It is your purpose. It’s what sets us apart: our worship. In another song by the same group titled, “Speechless,” there’s a run that says, “Grace, Lord, your grace, oh I need it, I receive it… I’m amazed, so amazed when I see it I am speechless…” I listened to it right after the first song, and again tears fell from a well deep within me. I felt almost as if God’s grace were cleansing me in that moment. After I took a moment to just