Have you ever heard the phrase, "If you live by others' praise, you'll die by their criticism"? Well, like you, I've heard that phrase in different variations for my entire life. And perhaps, like me, you've found that you've unknowingly fallen into the praise trap from time to time. I wrote on my Instagram last

To say that this, our first year of marriage, has been difficult is an understatement. However, there’s no one else in the world that I would have wanted to endure this season of testing with. We adopted Jeremiah 17:7-8 as the scripture that would define our union as we were married in the midst

I just finished reading A Thankful Heart by Carole Lewis and I’m currently reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Needless to say, I’m learning how to give thanks in every situation by reading through the struggles and redemption of these two women. With recent events here in Atlanta, namely #snowpocalypse, I’ve really had to put 1

Why are we getting married in less than 2 weeks? Well, great question! Here’s the answer: 10 days after we met, Joe told me I was his wife. Most girls would be taken aback by such a bold statement. I wasn’t. Why? When I was praying to God about my future mate, I asked Him to let

I awoke Christmas morning to the voice of my best friend on the phone confirming what I already knew: she was engaged! I learned a few days prior that the proposal would take place that morning, so I had plenty of time to prepare for her announcement. After arriving home from church that afternoon,